Tuesday, July 12, 2011

AMG Emotion Tours Promise Varied Experiences

index 29 Kopie 597x400 AMG Emotion Tours Promise Varied Experiences

Taking a cue from those F1- and WRC-themed vacation experiences, AMG has come out with its own “Emotion Tours” program, which is a tour designed to immerse enthusiasts in the AMG experience. Events include AMG factory visits, drives of AMG racers, such as the SLS AMG GT3 or simply experiencing guided drives of the Mercedes tuner’s products.

Lifestyle tours take attendees through Montreux while partaking in the famous Garden Party and Jazz Festival on lake Geneva, or swing on a golf tour where AMG enthusiasts can practice their skills on a 9-hole course in Munich. Motorsport-inclined fans have a choice of going to the DTM tour, where they will be guests in a DTM event. Those with money to burn will have the option to go for the Masters SLS AMG experience, which gets you extensive tutoring and track time in fully learning how to pilot an SLS AMG GT3 racer against other enthusiasts on the track.

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